Presence of numerous black spot on the bright-orange body surface of
the fish makes it different from other five snakehead species in
Bangladesh although the external characters are same. The external
characters of the fish mostly found to be similar with Channa barca but a critical difference is found while comparing the body colour of these two specimens. The body colour of Channa barca is black spots on grayish-black skin but the new specimen is completely bright orange coloured with black spots. Therefore,
gradually a question arises that, is this change of colour occurs due
to the breeding periodicity of the fish? But this possibility is very
less because no record of colour changes of Channa barca is found elsewhere during the breeding season. Even the present time (November) is not the breeding period of Channa barca. Then would we think the specimen as a new species of snakehead in Bangladesh? ![Orange Snakehead: A new species of snakehead in Bangladesh?]( Orange Snakehead: A new species of snakehead in Bangladesh? Based
on photographs from different angles of only one specimen I discussed
with my colleague Dr. ABM Mohsin working with fish diversity; and using
taxonomic key of renowned websites like FishBase and compiling the other
available important related documents, the maximum characters of the
fish are found to be similar with Channa bleheri of Assam (India) where the fish is known as ‘Lal Cheng’ [Eng. Red Snakehead]. The
fish is found in the aquarium fish markets of Europe and America as an
ornamental fish, commonly known as Rainbow snakehead. Sellers of these
markets breed the fish commercially by following artificial breeding
technique. In Bangladesh, no record of this fish has been found in the
Katabon aquarium fish market of Dhaka; even the seller of this market
did not import the fish earlier. Then, how dose the fish come in Tangail
area? Dose it come from Assam during flood? Further more
study is needed for this purpose. So, we are not placing our comment
about the fish now. Discussions are started with renowned fisheries
scientists of Bangladesh about the matter and hope the species name of
the fish will be confirmed soon.