Variety of fish feed ingredients are available in Bangladesh. A major
portion of this ingredients are obtained from different plants.
Different parts of plant body are used as fish feed. Plant origin feed
ingredients are comparatively cheaper than animal origin fish feed
ingredients like fish meal, bone meal etc. and also contains less
protein than those animal origin ingredients. However considering the
economic capability of most of the fish farmers in Bangladesh, plant
origin feeds ingredients are considered suitable for aquaculture. Some common ingredients: Some
common fish feed ingredients which are originated from plant sources
are- Maize bran, Suji, Rice flour, Rice bran, Rice polish, Wheat flour,
Wheat bran, Sesame oil cake, Soybean grits, Mustard oil cake, Coconut
oil cake, Lentil bran, Molasses etc. Most of the plant origin fish
feed ingredients are obtained from seeds of the plants. These plant
ingredients can be grouped under heading bran, oil cake, flour, and
others. Bran group includes rice bran, wheat bran, lentil bran etc.
whereas oil cake group includes mustard oil cake, coconut oil cake,
sesame oil cake etc. Oil cakes are obtained after processing of oil from
the seeds. Flour group members are rice flour, wheat flour etc. and
other ingredients are molasses, suji etc. Plant origin fish feed
ingredients are mostly of less protein containing ingredients except oil
cakes. Except these oil cakes almost all other plant origin ingredients
are considered as basal or energy supplement (i.e. contains less than
20% protein) such as maize bran (12.20%), rice bran (10.26%), wheat bran
(12.91%) etc. However some oil cake contains relatively high
protein percentages and considered as protein supplement (i.e. contains
more than 20% protein) such as mustard oil cake (30.33%), sesame oil
cake (27.2%) etc. Plant origin fish feed ingredients are varied
considerably in shape and size. They may be powder like or solid
irregular shaped. Feed particle size also varied greatly and as
carnivorous fish species demand a very high level of protein, direct
application of plant origin ingredients is found mainly in carp
(herbivore or omnivore) polyculture farming system. These ingredients
are used in feed industries as raw materials for making high
protein-leveled fish feed by mixing with other ingredients and marketed
in packed condition which are vigorously being used in commercial fish
farms. As many of these ingredients can be made at home and available in
rural or remote areas, for this, fish farmers from those areas used to
feed their fish-stock with these ingredients. . ![Maize bran Maize bran]( Maize bran 01. Maize bran Bangla name: Bhuttar Kura English name: Maize bran Source: Corn/Maize plant (Zea mays) Used part: Seed Physical properties: Powder like and yellowish in color. Chemical properties: Protein 12.20%, Lipid 7.60%, Carbohydrate 60.40%, and Ash 2.40% (Das, 1997). Availability: Available all over Bangladesh and peak season is in the month between April and May. Application: By mixing with other feed ingredients. Mainly used in carp polyculture. . ![Suji Suji]( Suji 02. Suji Bangla name: Suji English name: - Source: Paddy (Oryza sativa) Used part: Seed Physical properties: Granular in form and whitish in color. Chemical properties: Protein
10.40%, Lipid 0.60%, Carbohydrate 74.80%, Calcium 16.0 mg/100 g,
Phosphorus 102 mg/100 g, Iron 1.6 mg/100 g and Energy 348 calories
(Bashu, 1989). Availability: Commonly available throughout Bangladesh. Peak season is December to February and April to March. Application: Commonly used as food for prawn or shrimps. . ![Rice flour Rice flour]( Rice flour 03. Rice flour Bangla name: Chaler ata English name: Rice flour Source: Paddy (Oryza sativa) Used part: Seed Physical properties: Powder form and white or whitish colored. Availability: Commonly available throughout Bangladesh. Found all the year round. Application: Used in carp polyculture mainly, used by mixing with other ingredients. . ![Rice bran Rice bran]( Rice bran 04. Rice bran Bangla name: Chaler kura English name: Rice bran Source: Paddy (Oryza sativa) Used part: Outer layer of seed Physical properties: Brownish or yellowish in color. Granular or coarse. Chemical properties: Moisture 11.67%; Protein 10.26%, Lipid 10.45%, Fiber 20.85%, Ash 16.4%, NFE 42.0%; and Gross energy 4235 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Commonly available throughout Bangladesh. Peak season is in the months between December-February and April-May. Application: Used in carp polyculture mainly, generally applied individually or by mixing with other ingredients. . ![Rice polish Rice polish]( Rice polish 05. Rice polish Bangla name: Chaler kura English name: Rice polish Source: Paddy (Oryza sativa) Used part: Outer layer of seed Physical properties: Brownish in color. Powder in form. Chemical properties: Moisture 11.67%; Protein 10.26%, Lipid 10.45%, Fiber 20.85%, Ash 16.4%, NFE 42.0%; and Gross energy 4235 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Commonly available throughout Bangladesh. Peak season is in the months between December-February and April-May. Application: Used in carp polyculture mainly, generally applied individually or by mixing with other ingredients. . ![Wheat flour Wheat flour]( Wheat flour 06. Wheat flour Bangla name: Gomer ata English name: Wheat flour Source: Wheat plant (Triticum aestivum) Used part: Seed Physical properties: Whitish or light yellowish or brownish in color. Power form. Chemical properties: Moisture 9.93%; Protein 17.78%, Lipid 3.9%, Fiber 1.12%, Ash 1.6%, NFE 75.6%; and Gross energy 4488 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Commonly available throughout Bangladesh. Peak season is in the months between April and May. Application: Used in carp polyculture mainly, generally applied individually or by mixing with other ingredients. . ![Wheat bran Wheat bran]( Wheat bran 07. Wheat bran Bangla name: Gomer bhushi English name: Wheat bran Source: Wheat plant (Triticum aestivum) Used part: Waste part of seed after processing Physical properties: Yellowish colored coarse particles. Chemical properties: Moisture 12.68%; Protein 12.92%, Lipid 4.51%, Fiber 10.98%, Ash 5.2%, NFE 66.75%; and Gross energy 4366 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Commonly available throughout Bangladesh. Peak season is in the months between April and May. Application: Used in carp polyculture mainly, generally applied individually or by mixing with other ingredients. . ![Soybean grits Soybean grits]( Soybean grits 08. Soybean grits Bangla name: Soybean Khoil English name: Soybean grits Source: Soybean plant (Glycine max) Used part: Waste part of seed after oil processing Physical properties: Light yellowish in color and granular or irregular shaped fish feed ingredient. Chemical properties: Moisture 7.53%; Protein 23.82%, Lipid 14.83%, Fiber 18.49%, Ash 4.87%, NFE 37.39%; and Gross energy 5188 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Commonly available Faridpur, Noakhali and some other districts of Bangladesh. Peak season is between November and January. Application: Used in polyculture, generally applied by mixing with other ingredients. . ![Sesame oil cake Sesame oil cake]( Sesame oil cake 09. Sesame oil cake Bangla name: Tiler khoil English name: Sesame oil cake Source: Sesame plant (Sesamum inducum) Used part: Seed of the plant Physical properties: Blackish or brownish in color. Irregular shaped feed ingredients. Chemical properties: Moisture 13.13%; Protein 27.2%, Lipid 13.18%, Fiber 11.18%, Ash 13.47%, NFE 34.97%; and Gross energy 4753 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Commonly available throughout Bangladesh. Available all the year round. Application: Used in carp polyculture mainly, generally applied by mixing with other ingredients. . ![Mustard oil cake Mustard oil cake]( Mustard oil cake 10. Mustard oil cake Bangla name: Shorishar Khoil English name: Mustard oil cake Source: Mustard plant Used part: Waste part of seed after oil processing Physical properties: Brownish or blackish to grayish colored irregular shaped fish feed ingredient. Chemical properties: Moisture 14.46%; Protein 30.33%, Lipid 13.44%, Fiber 12.12%, Ash 9.73%, NFE 34.38%; and Gross energy 4978 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Found all over Bangladesh and peak season is January to March. Application: Used in polyculture, generally applied by mixing with other ingredients. . ![Coconut oil cake Coconut oil cake]( Coconut oil cake 11. Coconut oil cake Bangla name: Narikeler or Narikel khoil English name: Coconut oil cake Source: Coconut plant (Cocos nucifera) Used part: Fruits after processing Physical properties: Brownish colored. Irregular shaped. Chemical properties: Moisture 0.53%; Protein 18.19%, Lipid 10.2%, Fiber 11.68%, Ash 6.47%, NFE 53.49%; and Gross energy 4723 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Commonly available in coastal districts (such as Khulna, Barishal, Patuakhali etc.) of Bangladesh. Application: Used in polyculture, applied by mixing with other ingredients. . ![Lentil bran Lentil bran]( Lentil bran 12. Lentil bran Bangla name: Moshur / Moshurer bhushi English name: – Lentil bran Source: Lentil plant (Lens culinaris) Used part: Outer part of seed Physical properties: Brownish with blackish gray colored almost powder formed ingredient. Chemical properties: Moisture 16.67%; Protein 19.45%, Lipid 0.47%, Fiber 28.86%, Ash 7.33%, NFE 46.89%; and Gross energy 4286 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Commonly
available in Faridpur, Jessore and some other districts of Bangladesh.
Peak season is in the time between January and March. Application: Mainly used in carp polyculture, and usually applied by mixing with other feed ingredients. . ![Molasses Molasses]( Molasses 13. Molasses Bangla name: Chita gur English name: Molasses Source: Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Used part: Juice after processing Physical properties: Reddish or grayish color liquid feed ingredient. Chemical properties: Moisture 31.67%; Protein 4.45%, Lipid 0.0%, Fiber 11.93%, Ash 11.93%, NFE 86.32%; and Gross energy 3624 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989). Availability: Commonly
found all over Bangladesh especially in plain land areas but seldom in
hill tract areas. Peak season is November to January. Application: Mixed with other fish feed ingredients, as binder.